Monday, February 14, 2011

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What is the biggest problem of the World..?

My Gracious Garnet,

Everyday everyone faces some or the other problems which may be either small or bigger according to the ability of the person, family, company, state, country & even the world. In case of individuals he faces personal, professional, financial problems. In business relationship, future and money again. In case of state and country coordination, economy, social conditions etc of a country. The whole world is facing problems such as global warming, pollutions, carbon, war, oil, terrorism and so on.

I just questioned myself “What is the biggest problem of the world?” When I asked this question with the people around me they all answered the things which I mentioned above. I listed all the problems and searched for the reason behind it. The one common reason I observed behind all this is “LACK OF LOVE”.
We don’t love our earth so we cause pollution, global warming, carbon extraction, mining, deforestation and so. Why would we have done all these things to our own earth where we live here and our next generation tomorrow? Because we don’t know how to love our earth where we took birth, brought up and to die on this same land. So lack of love creates all these problems and let’s start to ‘love our earth’ at least from now.

 Just think for a movement what is terrorism? Hurting other nation or sometimes their own nation in the name of religion, principles and foolish thoughts. The people hate one country because of the problem faced by their people in that country. Pakistan hates India and India too so It causes terrorism. Why are we fighting hurting each other for the sake of land? For religion? Land has been created by nature and religions by man himself. In case of America they took the help of same jihads when they went to war for oil. They wanted to conquer the base of oil so they can rule the world of oil and its money. USA supplied arms and ammunitions to the same Taliban’s hand which they are trying to root out now. We are converting our people as animals, weapons, and inhuman creatures. There should be mutual understanding between one and every country. LACK OF LOVE leads to war which lends to decline. Why are we facing unsecured life? It’s just because of our own foolishness. Start loving one another, another community, religion, state... Love is the mirror which always reflects love again.

We people don’t love each other. It causes Wars, clashes, break up’s, communal activities. The social condition of the country becomes worse in this condition. It’s really rare to see undivided families but according to law we are still following ‘Hindu undivided family act’. Love your own people; love all living beings... animals, birds, plant, trees and what all you get around you because they have their own right to live here just as like you.

My Dad always tells me “Think money is just money. It’s just a product of central bank of a country. Keep your heart and hands clean, be human in life, have kindness & love towards every living being in this short life”.  Be happy in what we get and what we got. World is bigger and inventions are ever. We can’t afford what all we see. As a gift we have born as human beings & we can think. Love yourself, family, community, environment, people... So that we should not face the problem of  LACK OF LOVE anymore.
                                                                                           Have A Lovely Life

Friday, March 26, 2010

“Desires” Never Ends... But

My desired Angel,
We the human beings always live with our own dreams and imaginations. We run out from realities of life and it’s a must because we cannot accept and adopt those things in daily life. It’s just like a movie without camera and director to lead. We are the real actors and also the directors for our own life. We are living just because of our wants and needs. Gowtham Buddha preached the whole world to leave the words “Likes, Needs and Wants”. His main teaching was to ‘SACRIFISE DESIRES’ because desires creates sorrows. If a man is still on this earth is just because of his desires. A desire of his family, friends and relationships makes him to live. That’s a daily life cycle of every one. I even proclaim that Buddha had a Desire that he wanted to root out the word ‘Desire’ from the hearts of human beings so he lived his life. So I can conclude that every man has his own desires and he lives to fulfil his desires.

Desires are changing in nature and they can be fulfilled by substitutes. A girl desired to marry Brad Pitt, Hrithik will end up marrying a software engineer from her hometown because she realised that’s not possible so she went for substitutes. There are no fixed conditions that we can’t change in this world. For everything there is change and substitutes are substituted by other new substitutes. It’s really hard to accept the things so easily but there is no option. Today’s scenario is becoming worse than ever that people are opting others and they are dumping them just like a product which we use and throw. Everything is business, money and fashion for this modern world people that married couples decide not to have a baby so that wife will not to lose glamour and they walk to orphanages to get a baby. What a shit they are doing..? Even animals are better than these people that they bother for reproduction. The only good thing here is that the population of the country may be minimized for some extent. 

We love our parents, family and friends and so on and we should have priority for them more than money. A beggar can have a lottery and he can be a millionaire tomorrow. Make money to live but don’t live to make money. Even a dog lives in the same world where we are living. It’s named for trust and honesty but not the man. Why it’s so....? Why always we think man should be cunning..? There is no perfect answer for this question. If I ask somebody I know they will show me Dhirulal, Gates, Welch and other biggies. You ask these people ‘Are they happy..?’ No they still Desire for more and they continue with mergers and acquisitions. Desires are ever lasting and they end up with nothing. Man in eighty desires to be in active politics and he will be in a race for prime minister of a country. There should be two people beside him when he even wants to sit on chair and He wants his next generation to succeed him for that place. 

“How beautiful it would be in the world without desires, cunningness, thirst, hunger and other cordial cavities..? No one will die by hunger, Trust worthy people, everyone loving each other...” Sorry I was in my own dreams and Imaginations. Jesus said ‘love everyone as of I love you but we can’t make that ‘I love you because I am loved by everyone’. Make a life happy by small things around you. Even Dhirulal left everything when he died just as like everyone in this world. Make every moment special with everyone around you and live like a human being
as “Desires never ends ....

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Early Morning Walk With a Radio

My Shining Beauty,

   It was 5.30 in the morning and I was out for a walk at last. It is one of my desires to get up early and have an early morning walk even from my childhood. I asked Naveen to join me. But he was lazy just as me always. I left room alone but I had a partner in my pocket, it was my mobile radio. I crossed 3 roads watching faces of people who were busy with there work, running, jogging, run-walking, waiting for busses in bus-stand. No shops were open and roads were almost empty.
      Dogs were playing and searching for something in a bin. Someone was washing car. Two girls were (playing) fighting and one girl fell into the drainage beside the road. An army man was having walk with his ‘Tiger Dog’. The watchman of ATM was in his deep sleep. Some hotels were half opened and my journey had all these things in my way. Some Hindi old songs were playing in my ears.
       I started tuning Radio and stopped at once as I heard ‘Vivid Bharathi’. It was just getting up from bed. In another five min there started Hindi news and I suddenly fell into my childhood days where Radio was the only entertainer. As I remember now my day was starting with radio in my schooldays. Some agriculture news, Raghupathi raghava rajaram, Sanskrit news starting with “ye samskrutha vaarthaha shuyantam pravachadi Paradivananda saagara”. Then Gandhian thoughts, Pradesh Samachar at 7.05, bhaava geet, Kannada news, old Kannada songs. At 8 am it was Hindi news and English at 8.15.
        I was having homework done, a short study, bath, getting ready to school everything was going on with radio. Even today I don’t know what the program was after 8.30. The school was starting at 8.40. I was to hear English news on the way to school. The whole street was hearing radio so had to here English news in Arsikere. ‘Bade chalo tum’, ‘Vande Mataram’, ‘mele sur mera thumara ye sur bane hamara’, ‘ab honge kamiyab’, ‘jaane koi muje janglee kahe’, Jeena yaha marna yaha’ were my favorite tracks and it was too repetitive.
        Even today I don’t understand Hindi properly by lack of practice. But music and Radio made me to understand quietly. Thanks to All India Radio for this. It reaches the interior villages and gives introduction of other languages like Hindi and English were regional languages dominate more.
         I was in my childhood nearly for 20 min and reached J P Park from Mathikere- BEL- Mutyalanagar. Lights were getting off when I entered the park. I had cool feelings of morning wind. People running around were from all different age group. A schoolboy was singing a song loudly, a old telugu couples were having chat with there grand son in mobile and people were too busy in walking and jogging. I think they have made a morning jog/walk just as there daily job. They walk speedy to minimize time. What to do ‘May doctor had said them to walk for 3-4 kms in early morning’. The good thing is that I saw none having Speedo-meter in there hands.
        I removed my shoes and started walking in ‘Navagraha Vana’. It’s quite special because the walking path is made by small sharp stones so we can have good exercise for toe and for mind too.
        Sun woke up suddenly and turned whole sky into orange. Clouds created an ‘Imaginary Heaven’ and it was. Photography is one of my hobby but ‘the hell sake I forgot to bring my Cam now’. I scolded myself and it was disappointment. I had a round of whole big park and came out of park with a hard breath. Almost every shop was open and I had my coffee in some hotel there. I saw ‘Kushwanth Singh @ 95’ in ‘The Week’. How can I leave him alone like that? He was in my hands in a next minute and I welcomed him to my room.

                                                              Bye, Take care
                                                              Have a nice day

Celebrating The Day Of 'LOVE'

My Faithful Love,
       Its a day where two hearts join together and makes a special arrangements for there celebration of special day of love. there is nothing in the world as old, as good, as peaceful and as painful as LOVE. Love is a feeling created in heart suddenly. Its just an accident. No one wants to be in love as intension but it happens one of a sudden.
       To define love is nothing but faith on one another. Even we Indians celebrate love in everything in daily life, friends, mates,'A special one' and parents. Its necessary to celebrate valentine's day just as we celebrate other "days". We celebrate Independence Day once in a year. Someone may question that 'we have independence in our country and we are enjoying it every day and every minute. Why to celebrate Independence Day?'
If you think this is a foolish question its same in case of Valentine's Day.. The celebration of love.India is a Secular, Democratic Country. We have less number of Christians in demographic status but its really foolish to say we oppose Valentine's Day because of Christianity. If some think like this I have some questions for them. Why are you taking holidays for Christmas? Why should we won't go to office and send children to school on Ed and Bakrid? We are not and we cannot. as so its necessary to be a Roman in Rome and Indian in India.
          How can I oppose Hinduism being A Hindu..? Not at all, I respect my religion next to my country.If think this love culture is destruction of Hinduism, we are insulting our own Hinduism. As Hinduism is based on the theory of peace and sacrifice. Yes it is true and even I accept that we celebrate ' Love ' everyday but it is also necessary as you are celebrating ceremonies and birthday of your own. We should make everything special for some movement to understand its importance in life.
         I am one who is out of celebrations since three long years. It may be Diwali, Sankranthi , Christmas, Independence Day and even my Birth Day. I am not celebrating because I think everything is Foolish. May be all festivals were made to strengthen relationships of life. But the whole scenario is misplaced by our todays social system. Then what necessary for 'celebrations' sitting in the home with same faces of four members in the family. I cannot force anyone not to celebrate because its there desire and they have their right on it.
        We should have festival of love, as we respect the other person in front of us just as we respect ourselves. Show your care, love, kindliness to others. its the option for them were to accept it or not.
         I am always on 'love side' If it is true, honest, and worthy. Its our duty to respect love because to have a lovely environment around us. Join the festival, enjoy, have a wonderful day and at last don't forget to continue this celebration everyday and every second of life.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


My Treasure of love,
This is a story that happened in Japan. In order to renovate the house, someone in Japan breaks open the wall. Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls. When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside hammered into one of its feet. He sees this, feels pity, and at the same time curious, as when he checked the nail, it was nailed 5 years ago when the house was first built!!! What happened? The lizard has survived in such position for 5 years .In a dark wall partition for 5 years without moving, it is impossible and mind-boggling.Then he wondered how this lizard survived for 5 years! without moving a single step--since its foot was nailed!So he stopped his work and observed the lizard, what it has been doing, and what and how it has been eating. Later, not knowing from where it came, appears another lizard,with food in its mouth.Ah! He was stunned and touched deeply. For the lizard that was stuck by nail, another lizard has been feeding it for the past 5 years... Imagine? It has been doing that untiringly for 5 long years, without giving up hope on its partner. Imagine what a small creature can do that a creature blessed with a brilliant mind can't. Please never abandon your loved ones Never Say you are Busy When They Really Need You ...You May Have The Entire World At Your Feet.But You Might Be The Only World To Them.. A Moment of negligence might break the very heart which loves you through all odds.. Before you say something just takes a moment to break but an entire lifetime to make... 
Thanks to Shashi Raghav who sent this message to me..

Get You Later

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Something About Puttanna's King cobra..

My Peaceful Dove,

What a shock you gave me in the Morning..!! In first shot I scolded you when you called me and told about Dr.Vishnuvardhan's Death. Its Unbelivable..Kannada's Great Sole which never anticipated anything from anyone.. Passed away. Sampath Kumar was born in September 18,1950 in Mysore.. He was like my another sole from my childhood. My Dad and Vishnuvardhan born in same year and my dad is a fan of him. There was one theater in my native which was closed a month back. I was watching movies with my Bakery Boys.. as my grandpa always scolds if he got to know I went to movie.. If it is of Vishnuvardhan's I was going with my dad once and after with Radatte- mava, our shop that. I saw 'Appaji','KarnatakaSuputhra','Nishabdha','Nishkarsha','Samrat','Janani janma Bhumi','Police Dada'movies not less then 3-4 times in theater. Everyone around me was fan for Vishnu in one or the other way. He was the star after Rajkumar accepted by every Kannada family. He was competitor to Raj Kumar. In old days scenario was not like now, One should be Raj's fan or Vishnu's. I was always with Vishnu fan group with a ring in left hand just like him. I was fond of writing poems and stories from my childhood days. I wrote not less then 3 to 4 stories for vishnu. It was a great combination of S.Narayan and Vishnu..and series of movies came and won the heart of audience.He was like a member of family of whole state.

Starting his acting career in "Vamshavraksha", Vishnu has stayed in the kannada film industry for more than 37 years.Vishnuvardhan had to prove himself when the time was completely dominated by Dr.Rajkumar. A born fighter, Vishnu accepted the challenge and became the 2nd most popular after Dr.Rajkumar. In 1972,Vishnuvardhan made his debut in Puttanna Kanagal's movie "Nagarahaavu". Raw and raring to go, Vishnu made everyone sit-up and notice his persuasive screen presence.Holding a king Cobra in his hand, walking along the hills of Chitradurga and singing the verses
"Haavina Dwesha Hanerdu Varusha,Nanna Rosha Nooru Varusha !! ", Vishnu won the hearts of kannadigas.He hit the bull's eye by bagging the best actor award for the state in his first movie.

He was a very rare combination of versatile actor and extremely nice human being. Not only he was warm, he also conveys that warmth across to the audience. This helps the audience develop empathy towards him. He has expressive eyes, which he can emote very well with. He was expressing more than words.Roaring as a lion in SahasaSimha to stammering Vijay in Suprabhatha,Vishnu has ascended the thrones of millions of his fans.Anger,laughter,making others laugh,easy delivery of dialogues,performing dangerous stunts are all second nature to Vishnu's blood.He made acting look easy.VishnuVardhan has also acted in other south indian languages and hindi.He has acted with super stars like Rajnikanth,Mammoty and Akshay Kumar.

I still remember When asked about his ambition in life before coming to movies he had said, "I always cherished the dream of working in a field which is full of thrills and adventure.I had also planned to join the army and loved to tour and visit places."
By God's grace or by Destiny, Vishnu was able to fulfill all his dreams in a single field.

No kannadiga can forget his acting in Veerappa Nayaka, Suryavamsha, Yajamana, Diggajaru, Kotigobba,Jamindarru,Simhadriya Simha, Sirivantha.. and and APTHAMITRA. How can I forget Matad matad mallige..which changed my whole thoughts about globalization.
Its nothing but the end of Golden Era.. This year 2009 took Vishnu at its end.. We hate you 2009.. It was not a time for Vishnu. Every one thought he will come to politics.. but the fate of Karnataka is too bad.. so that no famous and good personality of state will never enter politics.. I think its a great drawback for improvement of film industry. Just check out our neighbor states states like Andhra they built there Political Fort just by films. It never happened in Karnataka & in future lack of icons. No one is there now to fulfill the place of you now.. There were two legends RAJ KUMAR & VISHNUVARDHAN in Kranataka. We lost both of them in the single Decade. There is Huge loss for kannadamma by Vishnu and C. Ashwath's passouts. Please Somebody Get up and lead Kannada film industry...Or else we will loose ourselves. One of my great childhood Dream to Direct one movie of Hrudayavanta Vishnuvardhan just remained as dream forever.

Mourning bye,
Surendra Nadig

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Friend, Friend & So..

My Ocean of love,

Yesterday I was talking with Manoj One of my best pal(can easily call him guru for some-extent) about a friend who lost us partially. He remembered my same old days in Hassan when we were roaming near that High school field, Tea stall, Anu-angadi, R.C.Road &&& Hostel. Some Faces Like Ashwin, keshwa, Vishwa, Punitha, Subramanya, srikanta..etc suddenly came in front of me. That was a real time we people were enjoying together. Every person is like dictionary, we can't estimate them by reading a word from them. Our individual tastes were really different but we were together having great time. I'll write hostel life in my future blogs but for glance I still remember the things like Coffee in Gokul, M.G. Road Chats, Fights With Amammi(cook) on.

If it comes to friends & Room My Room NO was 8 which was always over crowded. Me, Vishwa, Punitha, Ashwin,Sandeepa, Avi, Keshwa all were there in same room in most of days. Sandeepa & Avi shifted to another room afterwords but we 5 were always together until last days of my hostel. Yes that was nice and lost.

To tell about discipline in hostel It was a big list of rules to follow.I am happy that all those rules r braked and liberated in our time itself. Our day was starting after 11.30 pm. We were drinking badam milk from bus stand tea-stall in early morning of 1 am & Some times Parata 4m Hotel. That was one of the chilling experiences i had in my life.

To write about another special one 'Manoj'.. he was a friend of Ashwin and become too close to me. He thought me about torrents and its ancillaries so clearly that I am master in that field now. I , manoj, yashu were spending time together.. Movies are the great passion for all three. We didn't saw not even one good movie sitting together. All The movies we went were unexpected thrashes. How can I forget 'Ye Rajiv Gandhi Alla' & parodi.. in the list so we shouted in theater asking for advertisements. It was a time of fun, teasing, shouting in theater, Dialog 4 dialog. Its one of the day we laughed more i think.

I never want to loose Friends even if I loose money, Relatives,status,individuality & love too as an alternative. Friends are my world since 7 long years.. till today. I'll be nothing if I don't have my friends with me now. I have done nothing to anyone but some people likes me a lot and some went away as if they don't know me. I Felt really bad when I didn't got reply from one of my friend. Its his option to go with people who he needs And why should I bother that much for those we are just a option but not a selection.

Get You In My Next Letter
Surendra Nadig

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sex is just one charecteristic of Human Being..

What is sex..? It may seem like a silly & toughest question to ask, but after corresponding with people we can come to believe that many of our thoughts about sex are actually problems of definition. As such every search for information or answers to sex can benefit from taking a moment to make sure we know what we’re talking about when we talk about sex.
The answer you get to the question “what is sex” depends largely on who you ask. A doctor might tell you that sex is defined by hormones in your body, a therapist might say that sex is all in your head, a guru may tell you that sex is about getting closer to God. Given such broad definitions, it can be helpful to narrow your focus and figure out what aspect of sex you want to..Throughout the philosophy, questions of sex and sexuality have been relegated to ethics.There have been deviations from this pattern out of which emerge a tradition of speaking of sexual issues in their own right.
Anna Freud famously wrote that “sex is something you do, sexuality is something you are.” She wrote everything and anything about sex which she saw in her life time... but at last she came to conclusion that " Sex is just something.. which i believed & lost my life in that".

Sex and religion may appear to be unlikely bedfellows, but most major religions have a lot to say about sexuality. And besides, saying that sex can be defined in spiritual terms doesn’t have to include organized religion. For some, sex is spiritual because they do feel like it brings them closer to a “higher power.” For others it is their personal religious beliefs that guide their sexual behaviors. Regardless of how it impacts you, your religious or spiritual beliefs and convictions make up part of your personal definition of sex, and exploring them is another way of exploring sex.

Yes!! Including all this thoughts which never give a perfect picture, i think "Sex is just one characteristic of human being". Its one of the thinking which comes to mind just like our wants. It’s often said that the greatest sex organ is the mind. Even Its possible to overcome intentions of sex by diverting mind to other things. So we can easily tell that Sex is just a character of human being for some extent. I am not talking about reproduction, relationships,live-ins, marriages things. I am conforming that sex is Character & feature of all living beings but as it comes to human beings it has high priority.. then any thing, It may be in Metropolitan, cosmopolitan,small towns and also in villages. May be its happening by lack of knowledge, education & honesty. Lets try to create some difference between human beings and animals. There are many other things to do here.. Live a responsive sex life and have a broad thoughts in mind.

Basically i started this topic to tell something in my own way.. But now thinking its too difficult manage these sort of topics because the conversation should be in a sword edge. I should speak what i have to & it should be in limits. May be i just think like this because even i am in common Indian cage were we think & believe faith, tradition, personal affairs.I just left some topics like Sex Addiction,behavior and Young generation. I just had a try for my better..
Tell me if i went wrong somewhere.. and leave a comment for anything

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is It Raining There..? (An Imaginary Love Letter)

This Rain is Beating the drums of heart by drop by drop.. I am sitting in this dusk rain alone with your memories. In middle of drizzling a colorful rainbow has stood up just like your reflection in front of me. It has started on the house where you were staying before & ended near the riverbed. I think this is the first time i am seeing this sitting alone from this terrace.. I don't know how many evenings we melted together having snacks in the same place before. At that time also there was rain, sun was hiding back of clouds. But now.. he is also teasing me as u are not with me.

Hey!! I forgot one thing to tell u. One new girl has came to our college. Yesterday she directly came and sat with me.. we talked a lot.. whole day we were together. Night moon came to me and blackmailed that he tells you. I thrashed him out from home. We know dear what sort of love, trusty relationship we have between us. Jealousy hen he may come and tell u about this today night.. Dirty Moon

I have just closed my eyes, welcoming clouds by hands just like i hug u in drenching rain. My eyes are filled by your picture. If i open my eyes you just dilute in the rainbow in front of me... thats it.
Write for anything..else
I Forgot Again... " IS IT RAINING THERE...?"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life Starts With Love.. Not With Money

Hello Heart,

There are many definitions which I always explore about LIFE will eagerly describes about Love too. Life and Love are two faces of coin which is never used to toss. Life is something we live between birth and death. Love is what we are with others in life. There is much conspiracy about life & death of every living being. What we are..? What we were? All WH Questions follows us from childhood to the minute of everyone's death. Life has an end But Love never dies.

Yes!!! I should definitely talk about the both because it is a time where men are made & treated as machines.
 It takes 22Days for man to become Machine by Practice But it takes lifelong to get back to him again. Even there are fewer possibilities to think of this too. There is nothing other than running & tracing back money for people these days. Everyone know "Money makes many things But it’s not everything”, it will not give everything in life. Money should be profession, passion, needs, wants... But it should not become life. Life should always be dictated by love, relationships, kindness, friendliness, a smile and so on.
Life starts with Love. A newly born baby is loved by her mother in its first cry. Is there anything which replaces that happiness? Father, Family every one gives nothing then Love.
Its difficult to mention other people like Aunt, uncle brother, sister, grand, in laws because of today's nuclear family system which is caused just because "LACK OF LOVE".
As child grew its thinking's & preferences keeps on changing. Once again MONEY comes here from chocolate to night stands, books to bed locks. And it is called as Corporate life, Standard life, Hi-fi society and the shit...
It’s true that no one in this world can live without money. Even its necessary and a need But it’s not the almighty at any cost(monetary term). Love yourself but it should not become selfishness, Love others but not in terms of money. Live in this world, give love and take it. People lived on this same world where no money existed and not even a single living being can exist in this world without LOVE.
I am just a mango Indian man were people call us sentimental fool. Just go back to your long old days and compare with today's gen. You will be stunned for a while seeing this so called "Modernization". Yes we know that we are having advanced technologies which are updating every day, new thing and inventions are in bulk & at the same time we are revoking love in life and emotions from heart which creates a bubbly relationship with each other. It surely makes a huge difference in future and young generations.
I petty on them those who lost life in the race of money; Just see the social condition of a country like India were people are struggling between western and classical systems to tam themselves in confusion. Nothing is constant except the change. But it should be healthy positive tone and selection of future is in your hand...
Surendra Nadig H M