Monday, February 14, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

THE POLITICS: Most Successive Business of India

My Blinkered Beauty,

We always hear “today’s Politics is worse”. You know politics is always nastiest from its origin. People who ruled populace like us are stronger than common man in Power, Finance etc. Even from the period of Chandra Guptha Mourya and Koutilya (Chanakya) to today’s Municipality councilor politics is the pits. It’s to make common man fool for everything, Populism, and like fling a piece of bread to a dog.
From the moment Mohammed Ghazni, Ghori, Moghals till Bahadur Shah Zafar II, Portuguese, French, and British; India was completely looted by the Businessmen/ Politicians who ruled us. Our wealth and resources got cumulated in their country. We got a light Independence in the year 1947. Our silver line of development started vanishing from post Independence days. Our great Netas conquered the place of the rulers who deprived us and they started doing the same again. Our money and resources was dumped in their Swiss Bank Accounts. Just sense our politicians robbed this country for complete 60 years which publish an annual budget of Rs. 11, 08,749 crores with Non Tax Revenue Receipts are estimates at Rs.1, 48,118 crores. 

It’s truly difficult to search honest politicians today. As country is growing (Still developing) politics is developing too.Politics is the best and most successive business of India. We used to give Example like Lal Bahadur Shastri who lived long ago as the best and last candid politician I think. Most of everyone who sit in the chair in this country and people around them have their names in some or other swindle. Politicians grow by investing money on people and straighten out on chairs to grab the common man’s money in lump-sum to their pocket at maximum percentage of returns. Most of States like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand; Karnataka etc have become political asset of some families. A state is ruled by father nearly for 40 years and then it comes to his son who is sitting still as youth president of that party since 30+ Years. Its fortune of politics in India;

Successive political families have drowned the country to the ditch. Being a republic country India is still suffering from slavery from these politicians. Even names like Rajiv Gandhi, P.V. Narasimha Rao, George Fernandez, Pramod Mahajan came out with some sting. Most of scams will not come to light just because of our corrupted system. Political Parties will fear to expose the frauds done by other party because they know that party can also descript the hoax done by them. Some scams like 2g Spectrum is very wide one and it came to limelight and vanishes too as public memory is too low. There are lakhs of political scams which we forgot like this in our History. So as concern most profitable business of India is Politics. 

If we want to punish the fraud who made money in trading, share market, tiny transactions etc then what should we do for our great “Netas” who made money for his successors and his successors too. Country is not anyone’s asset to be ruled by its successors who cope. Even British ruled India was not ruled by successive system but Viceroys. (Queen in England)Some people who came with democratic voice, scolding the ruling party of a family also did the same when they got power. It really thorny to change the situations in this country;

We have to think will it be able for citizens like us to compete with this people and to win in elections? No, that topic is over long ago. Money and Bureaucracy rules this system and we are here to tenet by them. The situation today is too shoddier than ever. Just check the countries headed by Capitalism or Socialism; they are doing well comparatively. Being a democratic country with great Human, technical, analytical, scientific resources we are still developing and we should still be proud of our self as we are living in great India which is the land of peace as Blind, Deaf and Dumb too now..!!
                                                                              HATS OFF

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It’s by, for, to the Money: Today

My partisan lass,  

If you think you know the mentioned matter; its fate of our Country which gave birth to the great fighters who sacrificed their life to the freedom of this country and their ambitions, Dreams buried under this holy motherland today.

Yes, “we hate our system”. We most of them tell this all the time. Being citizens of a country we hate our system where Democracy rules the country by telling for the people, By the People and to the people. You know it’s only happening in the rusted books which are kept safe in the shelves of Government offices and in civics part of primary school syllabus. We have forgotten the words like Fundamental Rights and Duties, economic equality, social justice, and economic welfare... so on. Sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic is found in Constitution, Law books and in Dictionary too. Today everything runs from money. Legislation was sold long last ago and truth never goes till Judiciary. And we say in once “We hate system”.

Government officials are the servants of this system and we are the system. We are providing them food, shelter, money for their lives by the form of taxes along with the bribe we pay them. A drop of petrol for a car of this Country’s Prime Minister goes from our own pocket. We have provided employment for 58.76 lakhs people as Government employees and they are working for we people as we assume till now. Only the Power sustains here i.e. powerful people and the power is Money. We should ask our rights to the work done not with the bribery. We have Fundamental Rights to equality, freedom, freedom from exploitation, freedom of religion, Cultural and educational rights, constitutional remedies, Information and more than anything we have right to Live. Don’t bend your heads in front of corruption but it’s your duty to raise a voice against it.

Today’s Country is only for rich and powerful people. People who are supported by political party will be stronger than any other. Power and money is ruling the country not the common man who lists his vote in the ballet box. And who cares for his single vote too as others sold their vote to Money and Religion. If you are a decent man who works in some company and pays your tax properly, you are not yet done. You have some duties to follow. You have right to speak not only the political leaders who shouts in assembly and in front of media. 

There are lakhs of cases like Jessica Lal and it’s obscured in files. How can a common man who doesn’t even have money for Auto rickshaw goes to Police station to file a case against Rape and murder of her daughter? It will be just flash news in media for two days and ‘no more about that please’ because they work for TRP i.e. money. Once the culprit comes out by bail and if he is ‘powerful’ there is no jail in India to lock him behind the bars. One has to bribe the whole system from Police Constable to the reader in the court. Public prosecution has not yet changed its name to prostitution still. A normal case cost not less than 10- 50 lakhs and justice as lottery ticket to throw after many years.  It’s our fatal judicial system today.

We should personally confess that we youth remember that we are citizens of India and follows the Fundamental Rights and Duties. It’s enough; its time and we have wasted more than half a century in waiting for a perfection knowing it’s not viable. We should clean from the root. Or else it will not be a country to live for a lower, middle class people who stay in home just after their work commenting on Politics and news in newspapers and television. Don’t it hurt you or ashamed when it comes to patriotism? We salute our national flag up in the air; View towards the sky to show sky is the limit if it comes to motherland. It’s not about the money and bribe we pay but we are heading down our patriotism today. It’s not to sit and watch the revolution in movie like Rang de Basanti or other some and to praise them. We should raise our voice for ourselves; Patriotism Should be in our eyes but not in the tears of every normal citizens. It should not be the system to hate but it should be the system where AAM JANTHA lives freely. It does by, for, to the Money today as we all know. Revolution is necessary as of now. Country is heading the same which happened under British rule. It’s not necessary to wait till the interference of media all the time. Media is just a way to show the world how it is. Youth come out from your week end parties, Pubs, Hi-fi Restaurants and think for country we stay. Yes, it’s Show Time..!!
                                                                     -Surendra Nadig

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Corruption (*Conditions Apply)

My Cosy Contend,

It’s not necessary to give introduction to corruption as we are living in the corrupted system like India. You know how Government offices work today and a file move from table to table? An Attendant will charge you in hundreds, Second Assistant in thousands, first division assistant will be around 0.1 million and it goes on increasing as level increases. There is OPM (Other People Money)  behind every furniture, Television, Audio Players, Bricks, Cement, Sham pine so on in case of corrupt officials. A first division assistant will earn more than some people who sit in Corporate Board rooms. Corruption is a cycle today, if one wants to get a job he has to bribe the system. As he pays the bribe he collect bribe from the system. It goes on continued and this has hard rooted in our system.

Some Conditions are applied in bribes these days as Govt organizations like Anti- corruption Bureau in force. Yes, Bribes are accepted in form of White Goods, Brown Goods, Site, Land, Apartments, FMCG and Breed Dogs Too. It’s funny to hear this but it’s the fact of the day. We the people of India have nearly 30% of youth population and most of them want to do something and moves for a change. We have a potentiality to make a country better with good Financial/ Economical/ Cultural Backup i.e. New Enterprises, Ventures, Innovations, Arts and Sports. But corruption is the barricade which resists the talents who can shine the name of our country. A small entrepreneur has to bribe 20% of his Business Project.  So he never wants to lose money which he struggled to adjust for the business. Bribe discourages him to start an organization. If he pays the bribe he may suffer monetary loss in organization in future. That’s why India’s 40% new ventures are still in Red Taped Files.

A highly talented athlete should bribe the sports authorities to participate in a game show. He will be poor and unable to pay bribe. That place goes to some influenced/ financial energetic person who is less talented. How can we expect he brings gold medals in Olympics for India? We are the fools to sit and watch for that because the efficient person is also sitting and watching the game show in TV in our own next street. This is the cause we people are losing and some other country which gives preferences and practice do better. We have talents but we 1.1 Billion population satisfied with 1-2 gold medals just because of Corrupted System.

Some time we lose hope on Anti- Corruption Bureau/ Lokayuktha because this Org are also governed by the government officials. Corruption is not only bureaucracy, bribe in political affairs we read/ hear in news every day. It’s the blood in the body of the system from your street Police station, Water supply, corporation, municipality, Land Survey, Electric Board and everything in this socio-economic system. To get our things done we have conditions i.e. Bribe. We still say we can change it and for whom we are waiting for?  
                                                                                 -By Surendra Nadig H M

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

“THAT'S IT - Updated 2.0.”

My Loopy Lore,

I just ended my last post with the question “Who we are?” Just a living being like others which took millions of years from Ameba, Fish, Reptiles, Animals and now like this as human. Many civilizations, dynasties, empires and so on aroused thereafter. Greedy minds started killing each other’s which continues even today in the name of religion, countries, revenge, wealth etc. Then begun Globalized era. Inventions, The corporate companies, money, oil, gold made tremendous change in the global environment. Man was converted into machines and started adopting the things globally, even though it may be good, best or worse too. We took cultures, law, economic system, trends from others and we blindly practiced it. It happens in case of every country, systems and in our own houses and families too.
We drew boundaries around us for our life. We named it as traditions and limitations. We keep on setting our goals within the boundary itself. We may work hard to achieve it and we may get success in that too. But we never think beyond our boundaries and we may miss many things from that too. We will be having an idea of getting famous/ popular were we leave our footprints for future. In reaching the point where we assume we are famous, we lose friends, family and loved ones.This is the life we are leading. I have a Question for you: Can you tell me one name which everyone on this world knows? No, Even Jesus Christ is not a familiar one in some countries. Becoming famous is just foolishness. You can be a known one in some field that too for some limited period. For example: Sachin Tendulkar for people who watch Cricket. “That’s It”
If you are thinking to achieve something in company were you work. Leave all your desires now. They are corporate/ company who work for money. They make use your potentiality and they pay the money for that. Put all your certificates of appreciation to the dustbins near you. It’s just a part of every business to supply a printed piece of sheet (Shit) to motive the workers/ Laborers/ Employees to get there business done.  “That’s It”. 

We are living a “Show Off” life. We have to stop putting makeup/ cosmetics to our face. The great drawback is we still follow somebody just like that. We don’t know what we are and we should try to live in your own way as much as possible so that every day starts with freshness. Life is a tiny one and we should be helpful to the Society as much as possible for us. Just try to have a Confession once. We are just a one as like everyone on this world. We are not great, our mentality makes us to love our self and respect us a lot. All human beings are like us with some difference physically and mentally by the environment they grew, climate, social system, economic conditions and personal reasons too. Let’s respect everyone as we respect ourselves. Nothing stays forever and we too are part of it. Look yourself were you are now: Village, City, State, Country, Continent, Universe, Solar System, Milky way…. And we are nothing/something which somewhere grown from the Biological changes happening on the earth “That’s It”.
                                                           That’s It by,

It’s a complete year for this blog’s first post. Nearly 5000 visits in count to celebrate anniversary of this blog. Thanks to everyone who supported and guided me till this minute. About this post: it’s completely personalized concept and I just had a try to explain the core. It’s up to you to take and accept the thought mentioned here.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Cordial Warning: Reading This Post may Harm Your Ideologies.

 My winter of Love,

This is the post which remained in my blog draft from Eleven months and in my mind from complete 24 months. I seriously had fear to post this one as it contains Negative shades of life. I have just mentioned what I saw, Observed, my thoughts personally. It’s up to you to receive these realities positively.
Let’s start with a rural common man’s Life who is a high school out and started looking over his father business ‘A provision store” in a town at his age 16 in a store of 10 x 10. He gets married; he continues the same with his wife in the same shop. If he has a brother with him another shop will be in next tip, children, grand’s, He see everything and every step of life inside his shop itself. One day he dies and his place will took over by his successors. His Life is ‘That’s it.’
Come to the face of corporate employees; they are well educated graduates and they join some company. They work for that organization in some process which even they doesn't know how the whole process goes on. They just sit and do what the work allocated for them. They stick to that process and they go on doing the same for their entire life by changing from one company to another company. Their life is ‘That’s it.’
In general life is a journey from life to death in which we make many things in while living. Birth- family- Education- friends- Love- Education loan- Higher studies- Break ups- Job- Tax Planning- trading- Vehicle loan for seven years- Marriage- fights and Compromises- Children- Housing loan for 15 years. Then comes child education- marriage- vacations- retirement planning- annuity- Retire- Purchase some land in rural area- stay for a while- health problems- death. Everyone’s life goes on like this today with some modifications, 'That's It.'
We are having a disciplined time-table to live in this world which we never want to change. May some changes can take place from time to time, culture to culture and from country to country. Very few people get adjust to the change and others get frustrated. We can’t make big changes in our own life by lack of capital, knowledge, global attributes etc. The Idea you got to do become out dated when you go for its implementation. We are just puppets of the system where routine world runs on. Think for a minute where you stay right now: “Who are you?” A living being grown by genes and flesh inside which have a activity to eat, some mental and physical desires, struggle to live on the world, fighting for some paper (money) and metals, Death at the end, Buried on the earth. Did I leave anything which you have in your mind? Please mention it in my comment Box with your name, ‘That’s it’.
                                                           Yet To be Continued..
                                                    (Only If I get Good Response) 
                                                                     Thanks a lot

Friday, November 19, 2010

I met that Blind man again..!!!!

My Humane Hark,

Place Which Incident Happened with new Footpath
 It was a Saturday dusk I was coming from college in the middle of June 2010. I just said bye to all friends and walked out from them as I was somehow in hurry to watch some movie which was so interesting . I crossed out our big Campus and I was on the road at last. I observed two Blind People crossing the road at far. There were none to help them and that road was crowded with vehicles. But they crossed the road by themselves and they were walking fast too with the help of their stick. I saw the bent tree which was on footpath in front of them. I started running thinking that they cannot notice that tree as they use stick in the ground level and that tree was short enough to smash there head. I shouted at my best to stop them but they were unable to hear me. Yes, they got hit by the bark of the tree at the end. 

They got injured seriously, his face was full of blood, scratched forehead and another one fell down on the road he was unconscious too with bleeding head. I made them to drink some water which I had. Nearly 50 vehicles passed us and none bothered why they were lying on road with blood. At-last a Auto driver stopped and we both made those Blind men to sit inside the auto. I took them to MSR general hospital. That Auto-Driver didn't take a penny from me even though I forced him to take. I was in hospital with those two for an hour plus after their First Aid. I asked their name he replied "SIVA". They were too silent, confused and hurt too... He asked my name, what I am doing and many things about me. I politely answered them and they told they are from some village and they came to Bangalore to meet someone. I tried to give them 200 Rs which I had in my pocket. They Seriously rejected my offer and one of them scolded me for my act. I bought some Medicine, Glucose and Fruit Juice in hospital. They were very thankful to me and when I left they cried too.
I was so upset nearly for the week after this incident. I was thinking "How these people are still living..? " I really appreciate their love towards life. I was in some different world on the road there after. Even my white uniform shirt got blood marks on it. That blind man name is SIVA means the god who have  three eyes. But what about this poor one..? I thought all the CEO's, corporate do social service for business purpose, tax and publicity purpose only. And even it's difficult for government to build shelter for all the physically challenged people. 

As of sudden two days back I met that 'SIVA' again in Shivajinagar Bus Stand after five months. I just asked him how he is now. He Recognized me and still remembered my name and what all we spoke in our past meeting. I asked how he remembered me. He told "Voice and hearty look which I can feel". He was as happy as I met him accidentally. Many were staring at us as it was Bus Stand but I had a talk with him for 20 minEven I felt something special about him. He gave me a Heartily farewell.He was with me till my bus moved out. It was my turn to make my eyes wet. For the first time in my life, I thought of donating eyes after death and I need to take care of my eyes so that others can make use of my eyes without any problems. Take a oath in yourself to help handicapped people as much as you can or Try to close your eyes for more than an hr when you are awake. Yes it's impossible to do that. 

                                                                Donate Your Eyes,
                                                               Surendra Nadig H M

Thanks For all the Audience who gave advice, Scoldings, Praising's personally. Its really proud to say my last post has reached 1,068 Audience in 49 Days with more than 43 countries in list in which some I never heard the name of country before. Specially about "JUSTNADIG Blog" without any publicity I got Foreign Audience in a bulk. Thanks to Japan, Ukraine,Netherlands, SA, Ecuador and Egypt Audience. Thank you Again for your Support

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It’s ‘Hitler’ Again..!! -“The Beginning of the End”

My Exult Ewe,

It was my last post ‘Hitler’ which reached more than 10 countries including Germany, UK, USA, Russia and Pakistan too with 164 Audience outside India. I am really happy from this response. Encouragement like this made me to write another post about Hitler. Today I finished reading “Schindler's Ark” by Australian Writer Thomas Keneally Published in 1982. It’s a book of 322 pages and this is the story of Oskar Schindler who risked his life to protect beleaguered Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland, who continually defied the SS, and who was transformed by the war into a man with a mission, a compassionate angel of mercy. Oskar Schindler (NAZI) was a German industrialist who saved thousands of Jewish people from death in World War II. Here Keneally discuss about Higher Level Jews and Nazi’s Personal life more than common people. I don’t know why he mentioned less about Hitler even though author roams with Nazi, Jews, Poland, Life and Blood. It’s really a good presentation and some characters like Itzhak Stern and Amon Goeth remains in mind with Schindler.

I just want to tell you as most think Nazi is not a caste. It’s a group of Aryans who joined together and formed a political party called “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei” which means National Socialist German Workers Party shorted as NAZI. It was formed in year 1920 soon after the First World War. The Great Second world War happened by one man with the word “Unification of Europe”.  The foundations for war started in early 1920’s. The Nazis believed in the supremacy of an Aryan master race and claimed that Germans represent the most pure Aryan nation. They argued that Germany's survival as a modern great nation required it to create a New an empire in Europe that would give the German nation the necessary land mass, resources, and expansion of population needed to be able to economically and militarily compete with other powers as they were defeated in first world war.

The Nazis claimed that Jews were the greatest threat to the Aryan race and the German nation. They considered Jews a parasitic race that attached itself to various ideologies and movements to secure its self-preservation, such as: the Enlightenment, liberalism, democracy, parliamentary politics, capitalism, industrialisation, Marxism and trade unionism. To write about Hitler here given a complete Biography of him in which is enough to know about Hitler from his Birth, Internal Politics to his Death. 
As from childhood Hitler liked giving orders, he spent his time with younger pupils. He enjoyed games that involved fighting and he loved re-enacting battles from the Boer War. His favourite game was playing the role of a commando rescuing Boers from English concentration camps. The only teacher Hitler appeared to like at secondary school was Leopold Potsch, his history master. Potsch, he told Hitler and his fellow pupils of the German victories over France in 1870 and 1871 and attacked the Austrians for not becoming involved in these triumphs. Otto von Bismarck, the first chancellor of the German Empire, was one of Hitler's early historical hero. He thought about Unification of Europe throwing the Jews outside the continent. He won the war of Internal Politics spending some time in Jail too where He wrote the Nazi’s Bible “Mein Kampf” his Autobiography. He grew politically step by step and took his seat as Führer in the hearts of Nazi Germans. His orders stalled mass assassination. Jews left all their belongings in houses, roads, footpaths and in railway platforms. Nazi’s didn’t even left cloths which they wore. People were thrown into den where even air and light can't enter that place. They kept alive who were strong enough to work if not “Bullets on their Brains”. Hitler wanted to relocate the Jews from Germany just as India-Pakistan Division for Hindus and Muslims in 1947. I always think how they thought to vacate the whole community or people who are part of a country. Hitler says Jews came to Germany in empty hands before four centuries ego. So he made them to vacate in empty hands. Even the great scientist like Albert Einstein who was German Born never got a chance to visit Germany not even once. Jews were burnt alive in Factory ovens, burial rooms and tied huts.
Hitler With Eva Braun

Hitler and his officials created workers camp for Jews by dividing people with gender and age. Children and old people were shot outside the town.  Six long years of war took 57 million lives just because of one man’s desire. They treated their army dogs better than Jews but the end they died worse than dogs on roads. 
Surendra Nadig
Hitler was also the reason for the suicides of many girls who were working under him. He enjoyed his love life with Eva Braun an ex- Receptionist in Nazi Party even from 1930 to his death. He had three wives and many Affairs too. It's Leaders who decides the fate of country. We can just vote to choose them in democracy. Dictatorship in the hands of Hitler changed the status of Germany and humanity never forgives him.

                                    Get You Soon,
                                                                  Surendra Nadig H M

Note: All the Pictures Here are Real.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Heil the Humanity And Hell the Führer, Adolf Hitler

My Dearest Doctrine,

                   I came from an Orthodox Hindu family and my home was full of books. My Dad explained me once about Adolf Hitler when I was 6 or 7 years I think. Even I was to read all sort of books but my grandfather never allowed me to read "Mein Kampf" which was in Kannada. After sometime yes I read that book but my expectation was more than what it had. I am crazy about history, wars, Indian Independence and importantly Second World War which played greater part in Indian Independence. You would have never thought that Subhash Chandra Bose's Indian National army came with arms and ammunition for "Dilli Chalo" with the support from Japan and Germany. Results of world war even made changes in Indian History. India which was ruled by British and Indian National congress (Gandhi too) supported the Allies led by the United Kingdom.  Win of Allies and loss of Axis powers made SC Bose to abscond. That made me crazy about The Great Second World War.

From the past 3-4 months I was really in the great Second World War. Hitler a man of Second World War sat in my mind. Movies like Der Untergang – Downfall, Band of Brothers,  Hitler: The Rise of Evil, The Bunker, Inglorious bastards, Casablanca, D-Day The Sixth of June, Diary of Anne Frank and Enemy at the Gates, Some Documentaries etc made me to have a clear picture about the war. You should not miss to watch Band of Brothers series. It’s about American army troop “Easy-Company’s” story. Oh My God!!  What a magic Tom Hanks & Steven Spielberg created together! Thanks A Lot to them for giving such a good presentation of Second World War and My Favourite "Easy Company". It was History. It has presented unbelievably. Winters, Malarkey, Spears and Bull grabbed my heart. Winters Is a real Leader & good Manager. Hats Off to him. I felt I was one in Easy Company. It’s the best film I ever watched in my life.  No one showed Operation Market Garden like BOB before. I read Diary of Anne Frank before but watching movie gave a great experience.

I appreciate what Hitler had in his mind. But his idea of National Socialism was not a clear picture. His treatment to Jews was worse than animals. When Jews Camps was full he orders his men to kill the Jews.  Over 70 Million Jews were killed in whole numbers. What the achievement he did with that bloodshed? I got pictures of dead bodies of Jews in Railway coaches, Work camp of Jews and so. I thought Hitler was a great leader but leads the army until Nazi’s were in boom. When his Kraut army start losing the war, Hitler just shows his intention for

Suicide and orders his battalions to do what they want.  Even there was much opposition to him in his army itself. Many Army Officers never followed his orders.
The most wired thing is When Russians enter Berlin an army officer comes to him and tells that they lost 20,000 young men for Berlin and Civilians of Berlin are getting hurt.  Hitler Replies” Young men are here to die and Civilians It’s their fate. Nothing is more important than Berlin for me” He marries “Frau” Before he goes for suicide and they both die together with tearful farewell. He orders to burn his and his wife body because he never wanted get into the hands of Russians dead or alive. He never wanted his army to get surrendered and it happened only after his death. He got a chance to escape from Berlin but Hitler refuses to escape and tells “Tomorrow millions of people curse me but fate has taken its course” It was his last words too. He got what he deserves and Krauts Burnt his body with gasoline when Berlin was full of bombs and shells. He would have killed himself three years ago and would have saved millions of people. He is the only reason to kill millions of people and many people to get handicapped. We have many things to learn from History but we fail to understand the summary of it. No one say “Heil Hitler”. It’s time for humanity and universal love now.

             Love And Let Love - Suri

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

He Tied Me on a Chair for Thirteen Hrs... He Is No More Now...!!!

My Love of Words,

Manohar Malgonkar one of the great Indian authors in the English language of both fiction and nonfiction passed away on 14 June 2010 in Jagalpet Forest Bungalow in Karnataka's Uttara Kannada district as he was a lover of nature and environment. I don’t think you heard about him much but He is my favourite author who made me to read English books. He tied me on a chair for thirteen hrs with his book “Men Who Killed Gandhi”. It was my first ever English book which I finished it in a single sitting. In my sense the best Indian (evergreen) English Authors are R.K. Narayan, Kushwanth Singh and the third one is Manohar Malgonkar. Apart from history, the army and communal politics during Partition, Malgonkar wrote of human relationships. As an author, he was a stark chronicler. Malgonkar Born on July 12, 1913 in a royal Marathi family that had its roots in Goa , he graduated from Bombay University in English and Sanskrit. He used to arrange tiger shoots for Indian maharajas from 1935 to 1937. He served in the Maratha Light Infantry and on the army's General Staff during World War II, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel. However, Malgonkar found that the army was not his cup of tea, and went back to his native village to pursue his first love, writing. At 47, he wrote his first book Distant Drum, where he narrated the spirit of the Indian soldier.Malgonkar was active in the Swatantra Party, having unsuccessfully contested a general election twice in the 1970s.He later took to business and farming. He owned and operated manganese mines near Jagalbet. After 1959, he left the mining business and started farming.
After his only daughter Sunita died at a very young age and the death of his wife in the eighties, he had been living a lonely life. As a writer, he received more recognition in western countries than in India and is considered a significant Anglo-Indian novelist in the West. Highly individualist, he preferred an isolated life till his death, though known as a good host and a man devoid of any inhibitions.
  His books were really different from others. His writing dwelt with the values of upper classes. He wrote about socio-historical milieu of those times in five novels, over 50 short fiction books and three books on history among others. He never talked about writing a book but he researched the loopholes in Indian History. His books are not just the books but they are inventions and discoveries. He wrote the realities and said even “Father of Nation” was a man not the god. You have to read him at least once.  What a book’
 A Bend in the Ganges’ is and what about Shalimar. An Author always notifies a book as his “Magnum Opus” but in case of Manohar Malgonkar all books are masterpieces and of course I rank ’The Devil’s Wind’ and The Men Who Killed Gandhi in top. He got enormous guts to write untold truth of History. He had an Interview with ‘Godse brothers’ and others who indirectly supported ‘Assassination of Gandhi’. He had a respect over Gandhi as a man not as god or something else. He wrote “Still, history is made by the winners, is written by the followers and is manipulated by the rulers!” ( read this link) “When he shot why Mahatma would say ‘Hey Ram’ when he was not biased between ‘Ram’ and ‘Rahim’ or ‘Krishna’ and ‘Karim’. Then why only ‘Ram’ was uttered. Will the father of nation be biased to Hindus while he claimed that he was not?"

I struggled to read The Devil’s Wind (the story of Nana Saheb) without understanding his English many years back. But it made me to complete the book. ‘Kings, Dynasties, Leaving their beautiful wives to other kings’ He wrote everything he wanted to say. It may be about Mughals, war of independence and about great V.D. Savarkar. He was 97 years old optimistic man spent complete 51 years in a Forest bungalow and which was his own. He lost his wife and his only daughter too and he lived alone for 12 years. Khushwant Singh’s “Death at my Doorstep” made me to think about the old age life But Manohar Malgonkar lived that life. Hats Off to him. Sorry, this post went long but I wanted to tell about him so. I really felt ashamed on Times of India a largest circulated daily which publishes unnecessary things would have give prominence to Manohar Malgonkar’s death and his writing. We have very few good Indian English Writers & we lost one now. 

                   Lets Pray for his Soul

(For More about his works Visit )

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We Are Suffering From Superiority Complex

My Supreme Soul,
Some people think they are great, intelligent, and clever in this world. Everyone in this world will have a feel that “I am better than others” but for some, this thought will be fully loaded in their mind and we call it as ‘Superiority Complex’.  “A feeling of superiority or exaggerated self-importance, often accompanied by excessive aggressiveness, arrogance, etc. which are compensation for feelings of inferiority.”
 A deer thinks nothing is more beautiful than its horns and it will be killed for its horns by human beings. Just like a deer we build a sort of traditional superiority complex in our self. That too in case of youth, they think they are beat less and eager to get recognition. You would have heard people talking ‘I would have been there; I would have did better than you" and so. A guy thinks he should present himself different from others in front of a girl and girl thinks the same. Its common fact that the world which we are living is too competitive and we should think like this to win the race of life. But we should show our talent in right place where it deserves not like singing a song in front of crows.
Superiority Complex affects all sort of group of people. He may be rich, poor, child, and old man so on. It cannot be cured but it is controllable. A Lecturer thinks his students are weak in subject than him. A politician feels ‘he is the soul of politics’. Having 20 years of experience in the same field a news paper publisher scolds his juniors for their creative thoughts.  These people who think they are great will forget one thing. A lecturer will forget how he was when he was a student and it decreases his value. A Politician will not allow growing anyone because of his selfishness and destroys the future of the country.  Lack of creativity brings the publisher down market.
“Everyone will have a talent which we don’t have. We should make use of it.” This comes to mind only for some people. Everyone should think how we were anticipating, expecting for encouragement from the people when we were in the same situation before and this cycle goes on continuous. Break the chain, show the world every human being is same only the environment which they grow makes them different. A six years old boy humbles to be leader in the class to present him special at the same time a ninety year old man will explain stories what he did in his past. That’s the power of Superiority complex.
A human being should have confidence that’s Self-confidence. A tiny over confidence which arise somewhere in mind destroys his whole effort. An unemployed who is underestimated even in family may become the president or prime minister of the country. Hitler and his Nazi army is best example for destruction by Superiority complex.  This kills humans mentally by all divisions, religions, culture, language and country too. Stop praising our-self because we are suffering from Superiority Complex. We can’t cure it but we can avoid it.

                                                           Surendra Nadig H M

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I think that old man will not be your...

My stupid Silver Line,
    I am telling you a situation which happened on 21st March. I was in my native where my dads have a bakery. I was sitting in bakery reading Bhagavadgeeta for a change. Clock was showing 9.30 night. An old man of 70+ years came to bakery. He asked me to give 'one pound bread'. I just took a bread and start slicing it. He stopped me in middle and told to make big slices. I did so. When I was packing he told me “I told you to make big slices because every morning my son or daughter-in-law will give me only 2 pieces of bread. I will be still hunger so don't think badly about me". My mind and hand stroked for a while. After that I took another and gave him with big slices.

    Ya, he paid for the bread and walked away. I came out & saw him till he vanishes from my eye site in dark. My book was closed, my eyes were almost wet. I sat nearly for 15 min without a word from mouth.
His approach for bread, his softness and his word “Don’t think bad about me" tortured me a lot. I don't know who he is, I saw him first time in my life that too only for five min. I really felt petty on him. Even now I see his face in every (old) aged people.

     Why people are so rude to their parents? They took us on this beautiful earth. But why is this negligence on them? Be a good daughter or son for your parents so you will be good citizen next. I think that old man will not be your father, father-in-law or grandfather. I expect at least this from you.
                                                               Surendra Nadig H M

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