Monday, February 14, 2011


I never asked anything except a smile from you:

My sweet sweetie,

Love is enlightenment of life, love is unforgettable affection. Love is in roaring waterfalls, in every drop of honey in hub, flower which spreads its fragrance to this world enlighten our life. Love is the song of bees, language of birds and beauty of green forest. Love is the flower to praise the love; it’s the only jewel of life. A memory of love is sweetest in the world. Love is the only god survives the world.
In this Valentine’s Day; the celebration of love, I am missing you a lot. I would have some plans if you were here. But you made me alone this time and it goes on I think. Where ever you are and however you are, but you always remains in my heart. You are my divine goddess of this life. You are the light to show me the way. I never asked anything except a smile from you. I have made a garland of smile and love for you to present this time. You have stolen that too from my heart. You are my morning, noon, dusk, sunless nights and your memories are everything. I am aspiring to see you at this moment at any cost; it’s the only desire of my heart.
This breeze is blazing my heart now. I was cataleptic during the day roaming in sun; Nights are almost empty, sleepless just because I can’t see you. I am alienated from ocean and now like a roaming cloud which melts to this earth as rain and then join the same ocean. Will it happens to me? Never so; I just got my first SMS of today “In every Girl’s life there is a boy she never forget, in every boy’s life there is girl he can never ever get”

Happy Valentine’s Day


I Am a Poet who forgot the words

My Fairy Fair,

I am sitting in a sea-shore where the sun is setting under my feet. I was counting the waves of this sea from an hour and I am to miss the count for every minute. The validity of reprieve from your memories is very short. You, you, you again and again; I am hesitated to think and write about you all the time but you are my evergreen, cloud of white and treasure of dreams. My mind fly in high, roam around you & your every step with an unclear picture I get for every second. What can I say in this minute; you are in every bit of mine.
You know, I am roaming in an unknown city where no one knows me here. But I saw you in this metro station this morning. Its metropolitan city where millions of people run their life and I saw you in bus terminal again: Yes, my mind is running of illusions just like Russell Crowe in ‘A Beautiful Mind’. Literally I will become blind for some time  when I see you somewhere, feel you in my heart and remember your name even for a second too. As of there is not much hope in this life; it’s true that I may have some psychological disorders. But you are a magician who made me to forget this world. I was always an Idiot who watched your every step from the dark.
You have put me under the bars of love where I cannot surface a deep breath from the normal world. It’s a nice feel you know} I think only those who are in love can enjoy this real, nice feelings.
Some nights have death silence here. I get up from sleep hearing your voice. I have no song to sing for you; I am a poet who forgot the words. Can you listen the silence which is telling everything I want to say?
Here I have a chilled puff of air which is increasing the heat of heart. You are like the effigy of ice melted down for my thirsty touch. I followed you everywhere but I lost you again. How can I express love with you? When my heart is deaf, dumb, Blind crammed by YOU inside…

                                                   From one who you doesn't like


Is Endless aloneness is Love...?

!!Breath is whispering continuously
To endless Silence
Colours of dreams are melting
In filled and spelling eyes!!

Love is killing without stepping
Inside the hut of heart.
In the edge of dark clouds of mind
Pain is just Like a Rainbow

Is Endless aloneness is Love...?

Is medicine used to kill
Can be named as love?
The disease to survive life
Can be called as love?

In the Blanket of dreams
Sleeping on the bed of nails
When pain smiles
Tears just melts..

Is Chanting her Name Is Love..?

In the poem of four words
Can I define feelings?
In the songs of three Music
Can I flow My Heart?

In a stunned voice
Whispering a lovely song
In the thirsty heart
A dead poem is smiling

Is love is the teacher of aloneness..?? 

By Surendra Nadig H M ( English)

                                                                Song: Onde Samane (Gaalipata)
                                                                   By: Jayanth Kaikani(Kannada)


I would Have Gave You a Party for This Celebration..!!

My Divine Diva, 

Actually I have many things to celebrate today. Life was boring, Hell and more than that too. I got relief for two seconds now to tell you something. I couldnt catch you to tell I got the job and salary of a month too. The first thing I got in my mind after my salary was your name. If you would have been with me I would have took you somewhere today. I now remembered you asked me one day ‘where you take me out?’ but at that time I was with bare hands and now you are ‘unavailable’. To tell about the job it’s uninteresting as you know. My desires are more and I got stricken in middle. I feel sometime that you were the person who would have given a brake for my madness. But I lost that hope long long ago.

I don’t believe in god and you became my angel, Heaven. I was an aimless you became my only goal. You are in every beat of my heart. I know nothing, what I know is just you and your name. And I don’t say you were not my necessity and I over acted on that part and sorry for that act too. You know Love makes people blind, Deaf, Dumb and dead too. It even happened in my case too somehow. Your last Message”Bye” is my Desktop wallpaper as of now. You don’t know some facts which I tell you now... You are my believe, you are the word ‘YES’ in me, You are my Promise, I smell you in every Fragrance of this world, you are in every sound I hear, you are my smile on face and tears of heart, You are my only Goddess I believe, I pray, and I love too. After all these things how can I remember any other to celebrate with me?

You Know I don’t miss you at all.  Yes it’s a true fact. I see you always with me, every road is filled by your smile, you are the Music I hear, you are the words written here, I feel you in my every breath, you are my “Endless” and you are the only one who remained Interesting to me. There is lot more to write but it’s enough and I know you get lazy to read this one too. Thanks you once again for saving my money...(Just Kidding).

                                                   I Know you’ll always be with me,
                                                              Just Yours

You Always Have Your Presence In My Heart


Why doesn’t this world end today?

My Lovely Lady,

Every time I go to bed I always pray god that something should happen to this world so everyone and everything should be destroyed including me. You know I am going passionate to death these days; I don’t know why it came to my mind but I am happy with that thought. As I told before to you I am a dreamy boy who always has dreams when I am awake more than to have in sleep. On this world everything has its destiny it seems, from drop of water which joins ocean to a man reach his goal. But everything ends some day and what’s wrong in my prayer to the end of the world. I am getting your picture anywhere I go, whatever I do and whomever I meet. I don’t want to disturb you by sending this to you but it’s just a word from my heart. I don’t know how to respond to myself for what I do without you. It’s enough for me and I can live with your memories lifelong. For the hell sake I am still alive without any ambitions, goals and as empty hearted guy who is living worse than waste on this world. I became one, alone and alone in this crowded earth no one to care, understand me, tell me what is wrong and right to do. I am unlucky from childhood so I never enjoyed my life as my wish. Sacrifice for others, Live for many and even today I leave everything to someone and walk away. You know I thought I’ll do something great which nobody did. I wanted to do Business and to build an empire. I believe in unity as many can do better than one. I made a group of friends to share their hands with me. My dreams were flying high; I thought we are better than others. I don’t won’t to tell this to anybody except you, I changed myself for others, I sacrificed my time, money, Space and heart too.

See today, what I thought was a big joke. I am totally depressed with this. No one thinks more than his “Self”. I got the answer “I am just a mad “who dreams more. I can’t do anything with my dreams, sacrifices, my lost Life Which I can’t explain to anyone. I am in a desert finding oasis when sun is in top of my head. It hurts a lot when my beloved ones hurt me and yes I can tolerate that as it’s my habit of doing so. But how many times and how many? I am Feeling “Enough” with this. Can I live alone moving somewhere where I get just your memories? Dundna padega.. aur Bahut Koshish karna padega. Ya I’ll be on a way for that Self Revolution. I can’t explain each of them what I have done as they never asked anything to do. They have right to tell “it’s your Fate”.

Basically I lost everything except this sole when you left me and now I am loosing that too. What to do on this world loosing love, friendship and cordial relationship with one another. Whatever I do is just a one more coating of sealing my dreams in coffin. No I don’t need this world which cares none. This universal love is just bullshit. If you win you live or else you Die this is what our history, Epics has preached us. Without any option.. World is following these words sincerely. It’s not the world for me to live. Only Cunnings, Selfishness, Untrue, Dishonest, Machines and men Faced Machines have right to Live here.  And please don’t read this letter. It’s not for you and I am none to send this to you. Sorry it’s just a letter from a guy who lost his sense by loving you. 

                                                                              World’s Worst Guy 


Its 36 Days 22hrs and 43 min to see you

My Lucky Mascot,
I don’t know how to tell you about what I am now. 22mths of dreams are still continuing even today. You were my dream and you will be my dream in future too. As you know I am a fool, quite sentimental, full time Lazy and guy who do nothing. I had Dreams when I came here before. Realities of life told me you are not fit for anything and you do only nothing. I am not the centre of attraction, maybe I am not the one people love to like. I don’t bother while people scold me or I’ll show off. I think “why people should respect me when I have done nothing to this society, world, people and you too. I always have debit balance with this world. My fate is to lose everyone, bad luck in every step, scolding, incomplete dreams, never ending ways, unwanted resistance, faith breakers and and so on.
I feel alone today even when people are around me. It will be some day world shouts at me “you are mad” as some say me today. I know everything starts with nothing. But the thing is nothing always remains nothing with me. “Hope” goes to end in mind sometimes. I am not the one who desire for things from my childhood. Things are always things to me. I desired for Love and People which I lose even today. I have nothing in this world. My most eager desire was you and it was my last desire too. I can’t get you to talk anything. And you will get bored for thisbullshit writings. You are Lucky for me and I was Lucky as I was with you for a while of life. I just wrote like this for you because I have no one to ask and everyone busy in their work. It’s already 36 Days, 22hrs and 54 min I saw you before.
                                                                 Not even yours,
                                                                   Dreamy Boy


No More Wait For Friday's.. Its Over now

                                                                                   My Waddle White,

This Day has a feel of Mourning for me. A wait for every Friday from last 15 Months came to an end today. Don't know what I did in these days except your dreams. You filled my  heart, soul & mind till this second. I was waiting to see you counting days, Hrs, and minutes too.Now its not necessary to wait. I can't write more today I think. Words are getting Blurred because of tears in my eyes. But the thing I almost clear is that I can't see you here after, I can't meet you in class as before & even I can't talk with you easily as early too. You know what? We din't even have a single snap together, every time you make to skip  photograph with me. There was hope somewhere in the heart so that I can see you every week.. But now I lost the soul too. I don't know how I live here after with buried dreams  in mind and your uncleared picture in heart. Thanks for being with me for complete twenty four months and my s(a)ecrate love forever. I don't even have a Photograph of you to hide in my heart. You are too moody person as I know. You speak more & not even a word sometimes. Talk to me freely, I never asked you to love me at all.. Tell me anything, praise me, scold me or do something what you think off. No more hope for me from now as you are taking my heart with you & I stay calm without a word for you. I know you read this someday so I wanted to tell you one thing. The day we talked about Love was something special and that day we came to conclusion that we are friends. You are smart worker, Genius and kind hearted too. I always have a theory that not to do the things what others are doing beside you blindly.. I saw the same character in you even skipping to write notes in class. Everything doesn't comes from hard-work, we have to go for smart work you thought this to me again.  Be a friend , best one and long-lasting one. Ya you are the right person I got and am not always wrong. You though me many things directly and indirectly which stands in my mind till my last breath. I do not get classroom to write poems, you for inspiration and me myself to write poems. I think I Quit writing poems. Let me make it happy ending at-least now..  What ever opinion you may have about me but I like you,I care for you, don't make the gap bigger.. Be a friend forever with me... and be in touch Thats what I want.. And I hope So... 

                                                          A Last bench Boy.. With Love

I think I'll edit this again


Love Forever..!!!

Love is a word that lives forever
As it is a language of innocent
No man can live without love
There is great power in love

All wars and battles ended with sorrow
Love is the only medicine like bow and arrow
All proposals, disguised disposals
Shot the enmity with love

Is anyone there in the world 
Saying 'Kill Love'..?
Love is Bible, Love is Survival 
Whole universe says Love is eternal

Love, tell her to love me

How can I express my love ?
Is there any way to tell my love ?
Love is only to be loved
Love, Love tell her to love me, love

Hey moving air and flowing water
Will you go and tell her that I love her
Green trees, Blossom flower
Will you express there after

The sun, moon and the stars
Tell her to love me day and night
The desert, Abaz and the joy
Tell her to bright me as a light

The Floods, drought and the theft
Refresh her live with me life long
Love is the one to listen the heart
What we know in us among


This is a happy day for you
There are thousands of wishes for you
I am a flower wishing you
Beauty that smiles in you

All the words of this world
Are blessing you a great wish
A bee in a honey hub is love indeed
Here for you a hearty greet

Twinkling star is for you
The sun and moon are gift for you
Every breath of the world follows you
Every green is gift, a greet to you

I have given a great gift
The words here are my heart beat
Every drop of blood I have 
Asking me to give what I can


My heart is full In the name of you...!!

What can I write as a song?
When you are in front of me.
What can I tell you?
When I have forgotten the words

What can I ask you?
When I gifted myself to you
Like a needle of clock
I am following you

What can I sing?
When I am with you
My heart is full
In the name of you

I am following you
I will be in front of you
I’ll trouble
Even walking besides you
                                   -Surendra Nadig H M

I Love you just as how you are now:-

My Marvel Mistress,

I have many things to tell you this week. You never asked me “Why you love me?” till today and more then that I never proposed you. It’s just a understanding of a individuals What love is? Here is my answer for your anticipated question.

“I love your free long hair and hair style. Somewhere your attitude is like Charlize Theron inSweet Novemberwhich I liked in you most. I love you because you are as lazy as me. I love your sleepy eyes, carelessness, your slow walk putting wait on fingers, your way of blinking eyes in some situations, smile, Cute face and I love you just as how you are now.”
Your theory about Love is truly different from any other. I’ll accept you’re thought partially that love comes automatically if you be with anything and anyone. But in the class of 60 girls why you attracted me more than anyone at the same time. I think you had a misunderstanding with a person who lived with you from many years. Even I have a friend who is with me from four and half years and love never arise. I believe love can’t be expressed, it can be felt. Love is trust, happiness, believe, sharing, understanding, knowing, fighting and also one more thing that is seeing our lover happy... That’s in Hindi Qurbaani. I do so..

                                                                                                          With Love,
                                                                                                         The Rain Boy


Because you can’t understand my language of love


Hey fuming beauty,

Don’t know why today you hurt me lot. You just broke the palace of love which I constructed with bricks of dreams and memories. I have one question for you... Whatever your feelings may be... Did I become a rogue in your sense so that you can't re smile again to me..? May be one wrong thing I did is 'Loving You'. Even I should not think so... Because I started Loving you thinking that I just love you may be I get you or not... So that my Love remains love forever. I think I understood you a lot... So I loved you even with friend’s opposition.

When I entered the college I saw you... Just like one girl among sixty. I never felt 'love at first site'. As everybody writes, says & as I heard there was nothing like thunder, lightning and all. I even don't believe in all those things leave... it. In two weeks you became like a companion from years. This city was new for me...and it’s totally new language, climate, people & place for you. You were not having patience to learn any anything from here but I was having a feel to learn something from you. May be as time lapsed & as we roamed my heart started singing a song...
Afterwords I started seeing you in different way. I was having concentration on you as if you are my asset. If somebody talks with you I was getting tensed. Later on I was not getting anything except you. Dreams were multiplying... but to tell it’s Love.
I tried many times to propose you by building scenes. Moreover I have sent you not less than three hundred (300) love messages from my cell. I know you are not an innocent to understand but I am dumb to speak about this.

Suddenly I became quite... I was feeling that you were avoiding me so. I was remembering you again & again. Just think how I made my heart like a stone and minimized my messages for some fifteen days. But one day for some message I got reply from you “You to me is a cute frd... A frd who wil be there in my memories when I leave this place…” Whole blood of mine became cold. I received your answer and became silent for a while... That’s it.

I never disturbed you again...except of diwali wish. I was just like a sailor who lost his ship in the ocean of love. I started to paint a smile to face with everyone. Where ever you may be… just get your right ship and reach your destination.
See me once... you know why I wrote this much... Because you can’t understand my language of love

To the girl I Loved
From The Boy who loved You
(A Year for Love Story)


Don’t Let me Fall in Love with You Again & Again


The gone wind,

There are thousands of words in the language of English, but I am not getting a single one to explain my feelings to you. I think I am confused about ' what to do?’ Love happens once in life time according to William Shakespeare. But in my case it’s happening again and again that too with a same person. I think it’s not necessary to tell my Love. Can you please explain me how to tell Love...? My Theory about love is too different. Love cannot be told it can be showed and felt. Love is to feel the person inside the heart. You are the only one I always want to forget and a looser every time. I don’t know what you did to me with your smile. I nearly forgot my smile since a year and half. In between two months back I really made my heart so hard and made a motto ‘Love to hate her’ because I understood it’s impossible to treat you as my enemy.

Somehow I succeed in my way so that I transferred myself into someone who doesn’t know you. I never gave a smile at you, I deleted everything including your mobile number and stopped hearing ‘Tuj me rab diktha hai’ which was my anthem from a year plus. I am still following a word ‘try trying and trying again’. You were in my dreams, vinyl holdings beside the street, traffic signals, magazines, books and even in Anushka Sharma of Rab ne fame. I am a guy of million thoughts and you were filled in each one of it. I know I’ll never get you in my life because you are the ‘Queen of white’ and I am just a chocolate colored poet. One or the other day I will win this game of Love by forgetting you or...! “That’s it”.

I have many responsibilities and have many things to do in life. I think I am too defensive from my character and not ready to take risk seriously. But it’s not true that I am feared to propose you. I don’t want to show my Love to you in eight alphabets in a series which is more worth then money and life. Always there will be space for you in my heart. I want some more time to recover myself. Don’t try to make me smile, avoid talking to me, avoid peeping to my words and eyes andDon’t Let me Fall in Love with You Again & Again.

                                       From the unknown guy you don't know

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